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erika_davis' Recent Entries

decisions, decisions ...........

by erika_davis

Well………… I’ve been monogamous for several weeks now with a man I really adore. It seems my domestic streak is showing as I make dinners for us (I especially like planning candlelit ones with me in seductive clothing or lingerie) and I’m amazed at how good a wife I could become and how much I would enjoy it. I think about making this relationship work but when I am alone I begin to think about other men and how I need them. It’s not that this man doesn’t make me happy, he’s all that a woman could ask for, (in and out of bed) but when I think of the excitement of teasing and pleasing other guys I get very excited. I love making them horny for me and I may need that excitement to be truly happy. The thought of sharing a life with this man and having an occasional tryst has also entered my mind but I don’t like the thought of misleading him. He’s made it very clear that he’s looking for monogamy and he knows that I can be a hot little tramp when the mood strikes me. What’s a girl to do?????????


- axedarkdemon14

i don't know but it sounds like you more want sex then a loving life with men. sex is not everything, they say that sex is just the energy of love that makes it stop moving so that your love does not fall apart but you need to love each other more then thinking about sex. oh course if all you want is sex and all he wants is sex then it seems like that it is just fun for each of you when you get bored, but it seems like that your time together may be short if sex is the only thing driving the bond between you two. oh yes you also say that you want to please other men and it makes you excited, well if that is the case then you sound more like someone who would pay someone else just to have sex because you want it so much. i forget if i have commented on your journal before. oh well. sex and love go together to form true love. sex and sex go together to form sex love.

- axedarkdemon14

oh yes i did comment on your journal before oh well. i only want to fall in love with the right man, i do not like sex at all, i hate even thinking about it, i mean getting all hot and making to much noise, also i have washed the feeling out of me so that i never feel anything sexual again. thank god.

- erika_davis

You again axedarkdemon14? Giving me advice? Again? Poor baby, me thinks maybe you should consider joining the priesthood. You could remain celibate, be surrounded by many men you could fall in love with, and preach to those you think need your advice. There are many more dark demons in the priesthood so you would be among your own kind.

- axedarkdemon14

oh that made me laugh when i read that. it does not sound like a bad idea, i mean i like preaching, but i do not like church's. don't worry about me, that was very funny, and oh good did i hear demons as well, they know how to love.

- swordfish

Glad ya found yourself a boyfriend Erica, if ya ever want to have some fun on the net let me know , never know might be the best of both worlds. Now that i think of it you may be the best of both worlds have a great one!

- erika_davis

Thanks swordfish. It's sweet guys like you that make it hard for me to settle down with just one man. Good luck.

- swordfish

You make it hard for me to Erica.

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