Category: Animal Views: 2139 Hawwder to thinkby CWolfCWSo the laawvley Cyrus Softfur released a donkey specific file lately over here and for whatever reason, listening to it makes it increasingly hawwd to think. Eeeven if you try not to heeehaw, listening to all the heehaaaws... just wannaaw follow along... I even have it playing in the backgraawned right naaaw. Feeehaaawl so haawny... Imma gooooood heeeehaaaaawwnkey... shoulld staawwpp heeeeehaaaaaaaaww hhhhHHHHHHHHHhhhheeeeeahhhhawwwwwww soooo haaaawddd haaaawnnnyy hhee heeeeeehhaaaaw