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Diegoid23's Recent Entries

Day 24

by Diegoid23

F2R + HC(x2)

Look this is my personal journal told in a public way.  Its my daily achievements, failures and thoughts on trance, hypno, working out.  THere is no purpose, really, It is mostly for me to look back on, and to let a few of my watchers know whats going on.  I'm not really taking up much space, on a very quiet Online forum. I'm just the only one talking. People who are just starting may find my words helpful, maybe not.  Maybe I've been suggested to share on warpmymind, and this is how i'm doing it.  (Jack did you do that?!)

5 or6? days no cum, i was horny. F2R was not that deep, HC as well.  I got up at the repeat the phrase section, took a big hit of poppers and completed the rest of HC and then once more.  Not the deepest trance, but adequate. 


Big successes this morning though. Instead of my usual routine of porn and jerking it. I didn't touch my cock. I finally got the subconscious rush/reward. It was very similar to the reward feelings in trace, but I did it to myself...as a reward for following a trigger.  It feels like a breakthrough, and it is very exciting.  


Been chatting with this guy though.... Ended up jerking off while dreaming up a make believe hookup. Cork Popped I may as well finish the bottle.  Jerked it twice more to make sure I'm good and empty.  I'm happy for the proof of concept, and kind of glad I can still jerk it.  HC may not ever take full effect, but it has slowed my rate of nut down considerably.  


It is your story, and of your mind. - frostbytehd

Do not worry about what others say in your journey in hypnosis. I myself am just starting on it, and honestly, I\'m not going through with it at all. I admire your discipline and dedication to going through with this. \r\n\r\nWhatever it is, your journey should prove fruitful. I can only fantasize for now.

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