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anrakyr's Recent Entries

Bambi Sleep - Intro and start

by anrakyr

Before i begin let me give you a brief summary of what im trying to achieve. 

I have been interested in hyno for a number of years and have listened to countless different files and videos. Whilst i dont consider myself an expert in hypnosis, i do consider myself knowledgeabe enough to distinguish between if a track has an effect on me or not.

To make it clear i want the effects of the bambi sleep files to work and i dont intend on listening solely to say it didnt work on me. I have read posts on forums as to peoples experiences with these files and how drasticly it had effected them. I admit that im sceptical, as in my opinion people tend to exaggerate on their experiences with these files. 

The plan will be to follow the proposed bambi calendar daily (with amendments if needed) and document my experiences during this process. Hopefully will be able to write every second day or so. Have previously listened to the files but there was no set routine and there were large gaps in between my listening. 

I suppose i should also include where my starting point is (i.e. how i am now). Im a 26 year old male,bi curious and have cross dressed (in private and yes i enjoy it). Work in a high pressured and stressful environment where you need to be focused mentally. not the best job for bambi right? Haha.. Consider myself to be intelligent so the allure of the whole dumbing down with the bimbo fetish is a form of anti me which of course excites me. 

-Now for the part on my progress to date- 

 Well i dont actually have much progress to speak of as yet unfortunately.. I have listened to the file two days in a row (tonight will be my third listen) and dont feel much different. I havent had any moments where iv blanked out, lost track of time or heard bambi (as some have noted after listening). My thinking has felt fine as well.

Reading the word ‘bambi’ doesn’t have any effects as yet and seeing the trigger that’s used to put a person under also doesn’t have any effect.

I can recall what was said in both listens to the file which is contrary to a lot of people who said they completely blank out. I did feel deep and the tracks did guide me in the sense I wasn’t thinking independently when it was playing.

It would be great to start to experience the effects that others have noted but understandably that will take time.

Until next time :)



Interested to see where this goes - the24can

I like the bambi files, will be interesting to see where this goes and how it develops.

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