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anrakyr's Recent Entries

Bambi - Second update

by anrakyr

So far I have listened to the files six times and have been even more impressed with them. Last night was probably my best session yet as during the trance I noted that I blanked out for a short period of time. Iv never blanked out for even a brief period of time before when listening to a file, so having this happen was an exciting experience!

Its also becoming easier to go into trance and whereas before the files would feel long and drawn out but this past listen felt quicker. It’s a good sign that shows that as I’m not focusing on the amount of time my mind is starting to become more comfortable with the files and is able to relax easier.

There are suggestions that aim to make you blank out and completely forget what you had listened. This hasn’t taken effect as yet but what I have noted is that typing say for instance the word ‘forget’ makes me repeat that word in the same way as in the file. Once again that another exciting development.

After listening I was able to get myself into what I would describe as a Bambi mindset. I wouldn’t say that it was Bambi but rather my interpretation of what Bambi would be like. Reading any of the triggers that are suggested in the file felt really good and I actually did feel as though my mind was simpler and more ‘bimbo like’. Reading those triggers after having listened to the file had much more of an effect than I would have thought. In the past simply reading triggers hasn’t had much of an effect so once again that’s a good sign . All of this made a very strong desire to want to experience this more and am looking forward to how that mindset will be tonight.

I haven’t felt any presence of Bambi as yet although I’m also not exactly sure what to expect when I do feel her presence. I haven’t felt any different during the day as can still think clearly and don’t feel as though my mind is more ‘bimbo like’. Of course this is due to wearing the whole uniform when listening but I would actually like to see I it would influence my day to day life.

It also hasn’t even been a whole week listening so these developments are encouraging. Am trying to not rush into it but at the same time I’m very eager to truly experience Bambi as a separate personality.


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