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amycute's Recent Entries

Mr Daniel Hypnosis

by amycute

I think I am submissive woman. I always fear be a bimbo and fear to be a slut or slave, I don't want to be them forever, because them are obscene. One day, I find Mr. Daniel hypnosis seed, I feel interesting, and study, base on curiosity and of course I also based on my purpose, this time I try to give up myself, I wish to knon what hypnosis is going happen, and I don't know it is Mr. Daniel suitable for me? I had never experience brainwash and I will experience first time.

I read about his hypnosis comment, I wish there is no evil intention in these brainwash, just fantasy. But I don't know, right now.

 I will study 7 days, and after I will keep going or not, I don't know it's depend on just look it feeling beter or not. 



Study seed and 2012class 1.5 hour, nothing happen, just feel horny, I don't like this feeling at the wrong time. And listen MDTG all night when go to sleeping.


Study seed 6 hour, nothing happen, but feel urgent need to study more and get into trance.


Just finish 2.5 hour seed training in this morning, I just feel so very very very very very tired, I have no power now, no physical strength.

I don't know what it is Mr Daniel want. 

And next layer brainwash will beginning. 

Yah, I thought I had been finished over 20 level layer training.

I feel I refuse and resist him, but this is what brainwash interesting, and I will see what happen next time. And I need to say, nothing in his hypnosis, there's some horny and just control blank empty, I don't know what is it idiot? because conscious empty and forget something is it right from hypnosis?

I lost a lot of energy, but I don't know what will I get. I hope it is worth it but I don't know, let me see next time layer.

At afternoon, I study again for 3 hours. I don't know what brainwash  is going on or not. Also, when I go to sleep a while rest, I listen MDTG all time.

And when I watch flash, I seem watch a sentence: brain shrinking, and when I listen MDTG also a sentence: mind shrinking ???? but or mind shinking???

It's too fast, I'm not watch clear and not sure, but it's seem not only appear once, and this is my refuse it's malicious if I'm not see it wrong. I wish it's kindness but I don't think so and I wish I am wrong.

 But I will still going to try until 7 days pass, I just fantasy and want to experience to be slave, but I don't want to go hell to be a idiot.

And I almost get arousal all days but I feel not good because I don't want it in wrong time.


I had been finish MDTG all night yesterday, I got very very very deep in and when I listen more I am so scard, a voice around to tell me my mind is empty, and flash pass my mind. Over three night all the time listen MDTG and I would like finished MDTG, and try to other file.

I think I am scard because I have something care in real life, even his hypnosis told me don't care and don't worry, and I fear the hypnosis change to me let me become don't care real life. I think brainwash working, and I seem forgeting some suggest from them.

Today I will going to the 4th day journey.

I study seed and girls1h 

I think I am submissive woman, he can dominate me, but unfortunately just like other comments he doesn't care my (real) life, and he want me loss a lot of time, and want me became his style girl, but this style is unfortunately.

Cheating a curious woman to watch brainwashing at first gently, and you cannot leave afterwards. But I care what I care and he don't care me, he just want me loss a lot of time and enrgy and there are not more positive creativity, untill become his mindless unmind bimbo girl shunking mind and brain to serve him and hurt others people.

I still study 7 days, because I'm curious what will happen, even I'm so scared. 

I just finished 2.5 hour seed brainwash. Someone have no choice been brainwash, but I have choice, but I don't know why I am so curious to brainwash, and I know I will become no choice.

Just now I finish girls1h, and study "contest" this is very interesting subject very cute flash and I unconsciously got very deep deep trance. :D this subject flash let me very addicted and obey relax go to very deep trance, I don't know what I enjoy it, even I know it is a trap by through others history, the inner voice around "I will obey Mr Daniel and he know what the best for me","I am a good girl. Mr. Daniel". I'm so interesting in this subject and smile,I don't know that I feel so good, but this is also a trap. I think I like this style light brainwash.


In the morning I finished 2.5 hour seed study.

In the night, I finish MDTG01-11 Again.

Before I talk, I read some about comment is some women or girls study Mr. Daniel hypnosis, and then they go to work sex place, this is what I fear things his hypnosis,  because I don't want to work these place. 

And I don't like horny all day, that is bad feeling for me, I don't like much arousal, even just a little, and orgasm in wrong time and place. but I think this is what brainwash mind control  methed. And is there no other gentle way?

I don't know when study this guy hypnosis is pleasure to become disaster. I hope I will never experience what I talk about things  before.

Besides, I feel so good, I would like try to the hypnosis work, and when I think about Mr Danial (the hypnosis ask me to think), I think and hope he is a good guy, but I don't know how much I can trust him, maybe time can proof. And another question, free consciousness, are those brainwash people is been controled or they own intention? I don't know, but I think it's all both two, right now, brainwash just no choie trigger.


Today 6th day, I used the hypnosis over 8 hours everyday, just I promise I can use enough brainwash time. Today I will listen "EPS" study and "Chair" study, and then same, I watch seed everyday.

Did you know I feel warm right now especially in my uterus, yesterday I dream hug and soon after, I have pregnant. This is what happen in my dream when I listen MDTG. Thank you Mr. Daniel *Giggle*. Shy~

Thank you Mr. Daniel, if I have not much arousal horny, I feel more peaceful. And I am peaceful now. Thank you~

In the night, I finished MDTG again.


Today is 7th days.

Just before I finish seed 1 hours. And I study the ESP again.

When I listen MDTG06, I hear some strange ghings.

Just like hear secret slut, but when I got very very deep, I hear clear it sound "stupid bimbo" in near 17.25 min.

And another, also in MDTG06, also when I got very deep, I hear Mr. Daniel voice tell me, "You do not cry, ... giggle can help you feel well" 

And another one, when I deep, I hear he tell me, don't worry to be a bimbo... 

All that enough when finished hypnosis, and I try to look back, all these message can not look for... I don't know, maybe the massage just exist subconscious.

Just for tonight, I finished 7th days. But I need more fun brainwash.

I don't know it's my willing or I have been into brainwash, but some suggest I am scared, but some is very interesting. But I need to say I really don't like sex arousal control, just I'm happy my sexual desire is less then others people, but the brainwash file is increase sex arousal and if it is at wrong time it will became misfortune, but I don't know what if happen when I have been brainwash, it's going happen or not, but I think it's depend both on Mr. Daniel intent and my personality.

I study "hypnosis class(2012class)" and it's influences to me, and after I study chair_pic2 it's broken to me. 

But really let I go sinking deeper turn me on is "Secret" and "Jerseylicious Study". it is real fun for me, more gentle and I would like study it more.



(2th Week)


I would like keep try, untill I want to stop it. I originally planned to stop for 1 week, but for study Mr. Daniel not enough and curiously for study myself, so I keep going.

But I want to be normal life so I would like slowly down the time for brainwash, I wish slowly down to from 8 hour to 1~2 hour, and then limit 1 hour if I have spend time.

All right, I keep track myself recording. And now is morning, for me.

Now is afternoon, I notice the voice I speak "Mr. Daniel has my mind, he control me all the time.... Mr. Daniel..." 

Just right now, I finished "2012Class hypnosis study", this file is dangerous for me, it's ask me   to be a sex slave and to walk and to find a place to get a job , the place can attract men's attention, and women work in this place. This idea let me sad and let my wnat to cry I think I don't want to walk to that place, but I don't know when if I have been brainwash this is real for me? if that just a dream it's have fun for me, but I think hypnosis or brainwash exactly let people just who whe like me to think it's a dream, but I know if it's real not a dream, it's so sad. I have to admit my edge or limits, but I don't know if a brainwash can forced me to do what that I don't want to do and I fear it, but I need study his brainwash and I study myself. (I hope I can keep a clear head when I absorb more programming.)

I think it's effect some people very deep depend on who be be brainwashed how deep. I wil keep walking to study and observe how it effect to me. I don't know what if I have keep enough wide awake to observe, but I think I can, maybe. Another point of view, I think his hypnosis brainwash maybe just a game for someone, it's depend on someone personality, and if it's real a game, I don't real fear it so far, but I don't know what it's exactly his right idea and a trap.  And all right I know his has many tools can brainwash the listeners because some hypnosis is really interesting for me for example the "Jerseylicious Study", I feel it's not dangerous for me and have fun, right now, but I don't know what if I keep going on what will happen.

Anyway, I think I have only drop shallow brainwash right now. so I am still safe right now, but I don't know when I have go deep what will happen or not, It is interesting I need absorb more arogramming.

Just now study "Secret",I smile secret, thank you Mr. Daniel I like feeling at home warm, I can feeling the lovely soft music all the time.


Today I study "eye" and "cheerleader". I real like "eye" and "cheerleader" but cheerleader is real dangerous, it flow after "seed" study so effect so far to me, turn on me, it make me be a IQ decrease bimbo and a sex slave slut, but I know that not what I want or need, also I know the brainwash can take me go to there if when I accept. I hope it's just a little game in my mind , but I don't know what if it became a real. (also it's not my favorite game, but I know if I have brain wash it maybe will became). I don't know what is it just like some people say it's self-destruction (I am not blame him, because many other hypnotist domination's file just like it is, maybe some people like this way). And the "eye study" it fun to me make me giggle :D

Just now another file "people7" also decrease my IQ, I really don't think a woman who stupid is sexy, but sometimes a woman who "look like silly" is sexy because when she is overloading but not stupid. But the brainwash (or many other other hypnotist domination's file fetish) told me it's sexy, this is just a ideology who accept it will become who's reality. (I just want say I don't want to experience it. But brainwash just like it. And I know the brainwash is something I want and something I don't want. It's not best of both worlds, but I have too many choice right now.) I know mindless bimbo is just a way to alive, sadly, they just only know this way, and dominat don't want they know other way.

And I think another things, what is real me? if some things can change me, which real me? Thought is real ? (if someone no thought, is he/she alive?)


Last night, I listen other mp3, I think mp3 is code work for me. I so scared become a silly bimbo or a sex slave, it's not fun for me just let me angry, but "sometime I need be a hot woman" this idea seed has been plant in my mind. I don't know what will I become, and I just curious. I would like find a safe way to explore experience, but I know brainwash target me it's wnat me no escape dangerous. Maybe I just enjoy the adventure, but adventure risk maybe let me (or people) died.

And Last night when I sleep and listen mp3, my body automatic movement response induction just subconscious or unconscious mind work, I know the brainwash is working and my mind seems to be sync, maybe the brainwash more and more successful to me. 

And I will try to stop it when I explore enough, but I don't know that if I go to so far, will I still can stop? brainwash make me for that maybe I become stupid, or I always think I am not smart. Again I feel a beautiful woman but she does not become stupid is sexy. I know my mind different the most files ask to me, this is unfair game, I just be forced to accept that ideas those didn't belong to me and forced to become to me what is brainwash works. I need broke the stupid idea.

But now my mind notice a voice ask to me obey, the voice as like as meself, "I obey, and sexy"....,  I agree the brainwash is so smart to capture me. Maybe I just now fall down the brainwash collective consciousness. (I think I am not ready into bimbo or bimbo hypnosis. I don't forced myself into them, but I like adventure, and risk is high that I can't resist I have been control. I think I need leave now, but just still curious I think maybe sometime I will go back brainwash.) I will miss Mr. Daniel, thank you you play with me, I have some fun time.



Thanks - over_the_edge_please

amycute,\r\nthanks for the journey Much appreciated that you did this

HOT - netpup206

You\'re so lucky to have found Mr Daniels interesting hypnosis and such a good girl for having studied diligently for two weeks.\r\nI find myself studying every day, I have been for years because I am addicted to Mr Daniel. I go to Mr Daniel when I need to feel pleasure. I am still able to live my day to day life because I am able to pretend to be normal for the others. I am a good actress ❤️

Thank you! - maximiliaan_75

Thank you for sharing your experiences. It\'s now several months later. Do you experience effects from the hypnosis?

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