Category: Inductions Views: 1674 happy2012's Recent EntriesBitch Boy Hypnosisby happy2012Introduction When you think about it, one of the truly marvelous things about learning hypnosis is working with you unconscious mind. For often isn't it just the simple little things that tend to make great things happen in our lives. Things like bumping into an old friend or someone totally new, but perhaps with a common interest. That meeting than' perhaps even a meeting in your dreams or through a Bitch Boy trance session, becomes a seed planted in your garden of memories which than sprouts fourth with new events and meetings in trance. And soon your garden is flowering in a new way, new sights and smells that perhaps are now available to you simply because of a small chance meeting. Or perhaps new states of arousal after your Bitch Boy Sessions, that trigger spontaneously both in and out of trance. After all how often do we go in and out of trance all day long any how, any place any time…perhaps thinking about trance triggers you to think about trance while in listening to a Bitch Boy session, and you find yourself starting to smile, and your balls an cock buzz with that knowing, that knowing that you know when sexual thoughts pass through your mind and no one knows but you! '" NOw some 'may call it fate, others think nothing of it at all. Well, here we like to say hello to both of each and all of you! And let us introduce you to someone who has been waiting for some of you to notice, and perhaps for others to just enjoy learning new ways of meeting. Here spring is arriving, A time for both planting and blooming. So take notice of the things around you in a new way, as your unconscious mind and you set a side time to meet. Enjoy your time together; I know I will enjoy your time with your self. That’s right enjoying your time together with both of your minds.