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Tried out CurseStrokeSissy

by Ohka

I was starting to get impatient for results so I decided to try out CurseStrokeSissy. The first 15 mins of it I had never felt a feeling not quite like it before compared to the others, I felt a weird warm washing feeling when he started the suggestions, but after a while they faded. I am not sure whether or not I was in trance which I have never been sure if I have ever been in trance before but I may had been that time. I do not think this file has made any effects on me yet, because I have not had any of the desires it said I would yet except eventually during the day I feel like I need to listen to it again. A part of me is afraid of these changes of this file so I wonder if I should stop now before I get too far. I orginally wanted those temporary files like the triggers like TrigBoobGrowth to work well, but I have had no results with any triggers yet. I guess I am looking for advice on this because no one seems to ever have real great success it seems with the trigger files so that is why I turned to the Curse ones. I would love to try out SuperFemaleWhammy but I probably never will since it is permanent with no way to get rid of it.


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