
Tiff;s Bimbo Diary #6 - happy & bubbly

by tiffanytrance

I started fikle 5 last night! I've been really looking forward to this one because it's the farthest ive been in the series and also the description just sounds so nice. And I'm happy to tell you that it didnt disapoint! This file hit me so hard almost as soon as i started listening. It felt like my thoughts and all of my worries were being sucked out o fmy mmind, replaced with a thick heavy hot pink fog. it feels so good!! I let this file loop for a long time both befroew and after my orgasm because of how light and happy and bubbly it makes me feel! I love it1!

This monrning I woke up in such ah good mood but also I really wanted to listen to the file more. I tried to play one of my fav video games but it couldn't really hokld my interest over the thought of listening to the file. So then I tried to watch one of my fav movies ... and the same thing happend! I finally just gave up and decided to loop the file while writing this dairy entry instead. I probabely should have just done this sooner idk why I didnt hehe.

Yesterdayu a friend told me that resently I've been saying "this is boring, let's do something fun!" a lot and I've been pretty flighty? (what does that mean? i was too embarassed to ask her lol). So anyways I guess the files must be workinng pretty good on me if my friends are noticing! 


What Flighty Means - Moral_Lowground

Being flighty means you are getting hard to rely on because you can\'t focus on anything. Perfectly normal trait for a silly air headed Bimbo to have.

@moral_lowground - tiffanytrance

Ohh okay thankies!! That sounds about right then lol

yay!! - aurorarose

yay im glad youre on 5 bc 5 and 6 are my faves bc they make you feel so good and its so easy to be dumb when it feels so good and it helps a lot and stuff goes fast and ypure gonna be so good!!

yay!! - aurorarose

yay im glad youre on 5 bc 5 and 6 are my faves bc they make you feel so good and its so easy to be dumb when it feels so good and it helps a lot and stuff goes fast and ypure gonna be so good!!

@aurorarose - tiffanytrance

omg i know file 5 feels sooo good and its so mcuh easier to be happy and bubbly!! and im starting file 6 tonight !

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