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isadora's Recent Entries

life and busy-ness

by isadora

i'm still alive.
and still interested in mind control

however my life has hit new levels of hecticness. i am up and doing the school thing by 9am everyday. so i'm awake by 7am.

i work until 11pm, go to the gym after work until about 12:15 and get home by 1am.

as you can imagine, i do not get much in the way of sleep.

what sleep i do get is precious, and my access to the internet is limited to: while at school and while at work during the week-days.

week-ends are busy too.

social life and working on articles for the school newspaper, building up my portfolio and looking for chances to freelance.

i am sorry to the people that were eager to see me do well in this, i wish i could devote the time, except for the occasional drive-by visit.

once things settle into some form of schedule i will try, i swear.

best of luck to the rest of you. i have to go to bed now.


- Rogue

Hi Issy Hope your keeping well, ya know your missed online and I dont see you on messenger much either.. hope things are going well chat soon Rogue

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