Dressing like a little girl, when I show toxic communication if only my mouth would quit talking, with a thirst for urination into the diaper occurring. I also would enjoy, pooping without control, to stop the toxic relationships, from a hypnosis file. My emotional outburst is distractions, and limited incontinence to correct me would be nice at those times. Along with potential temper tantrums, involving full diaper filling.
This is just like role-playing, but this needs a reminder, diapers need to be changed at or even before they start to leak. With sane, safe, and consensual arrangements occurring, involves forcing a Health & Safety Oriented Diaper Removal. When an emotional outburst is causing the Not-Yet-Leaking-Diaper, to be getting filled, I must wait, such as with an ordered Custom-File, to remove this.
The scene involves that if I will act like a sissy, I will be dressed like some kind of girl. And if I lack needing cues during distraction for things like potty and social skills, then a diaper is needed because of accidents told of in Health And Safety Diapers. But if I refuse to even attempt social skills or personal control in other ways, such as with temper tantrums, I will be treated like a toddler, with mostly filling diapers along with other disruptiveness.
But if I act like a preadolescent girl, even distractions will not cause accidents. My age of female appropriate conduct will determine in this Paid-For-Custom, how the diaper will treat me. Along with the possibility, of the body for my age-of-conduct potentially appearing, with associated potentially enforced feminization.
If I don't conduct myself appropriately, my potty training might need to be redone. During the process of growing up again; but this time, as one of the female gender. My emotional control and socially appropriate conduct, will alter me, into growing up at what age of female gender role?