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peanutbutter's Recent Entries


by peanutbutter


I listened to a file making me accept dares within my limits. For now my limits are nothing permanent (only when it doesn't interfere with my daily life) or be a fixed time, as I have a week off. And last, I won't be sgaring any pics or personal info. So please dare me!

For some information about me so you can pick a good file :P. I am a 21 year old girl, busy studying and working at the moment. I am usually quite dominant in day-to-day life but I am a bit curious how it is to be submissive.

thank you for reading and daring me!


~Love, Peanutbutter (yes I am addicted to it) 



Dare #1 - outkast1728

I dare you to wear green lipstick for the next month

Date #2 - lkjhgfd885

I dare you to not wear a bra for one week after you see this. At work is exempt, if it would interfere with your work.

File - footboy621

What file did you use?\r\nCan you send it to me?

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