If as a male I find my dressing as a male and not being forcefully feminized, causes unreasonable endangerment of my health and safety. I want to know what it is like, for this health and safety-oriented imposed feminization blended with the health and safety-oriented crossdressing. This also applies to feminine makeup, hair patterns, footwear and other things.
When it is for my health and safety, I desire for these changes to be driven by a compulsion. With my not being able to stop the process. But only when this promotes health and safety, even when the result is permanent feminization and feminine presentation for my health and safety.
The reason for this request is because of the wrongness of what kind of forced feminization is under threat that is implied. But health and safety are important, even if intolerant people, do not want those born as males to present as males do demand femininity. And when this is for health and safety reasons to avoid presenting as a male, those male clothes with their lack of feminization will become so difficult to wear.