First, we have around a ten-minute induction, so we can attend to a surge wetting scene creation. Gradual hydration with bulk fibre use is needed. This game centres around, the fibre being hydrated so a large and loose stool can go into one's undergarments. These might be diapers or other undergarments, but the deserving of being forced to wear diapers will be successful.
The logic is that little children who are distracted from potty signals might go back into diapers. Such as during long car rides, the G-rated movies, or during fun at the playground. Apple Pectin and other products can promote healthy bowel movements, but hydration is also needed. For this process, hydration is needed, with the possible need to plan to get to the toilet on time.
Age reversal into childhood is a possibility that is being opened up to, this means adult-sized clothing will have the potential to, progressively less often fit. Characteristics that identify a person as an adult fade, even if it is the childish joking about arranged imposed potty accidents. Because potty control games are something children do, and if forcing someone to have an accident, that means the person doing this deserves to turn into a child in every way.
While the distraction-oriented person with accidents is but a little child, that needs to potentially return not just mentally but also potentially even physically, to that of a little child. This file is about having all potential potty accident games people return to being children, with a greater dislike of the new status, converting them into little children.