Category: Humiliation Views: 596 nohbdy88's Recent EntriesDumbing Down First Monthby nohbdy88So, about a month ago I started listening to Vive's Dumbing Down series, as well as a few other dumbing files. Partially out of curiousity, partially out of humilation, and partiall because I'm tired of overthinking stuff. If anyone has seen my post in the forum, they know I started with an IQ of 120 according to one of those free online tests. Last week, my IQ had actually gone up 8 points. I figured that was a sign the files weren't working (I hadn't been listening as often as maybe I should to get decent effects), and I increased my listening. I'm still only on file 2 of Viv'es Dumbing Down series, btw. Anyway, I think I spoke too soon about the files not working. This week, I kept making little mistakes: typos (though I usually catch them), forgetting things, thinking a door was locked when it was just a little stuck, and most embarassingly getting out of my car to go into a building without remembering to remove the keys or even turn the car off. I'm beginning to suspect the files might be having more of an impact. I should probably quit before it gets too serious or starts hurting my day to day life, but this whole thing is so hot that I'm going to keep at it for a bit longer. Wish me luck.