
Category: Inductions
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MN_FriendlyGuy's Recent Entries

Chronicles of a Kink Hypnotist - the next demonstration for The HypnoGroupie Dare

by MN_FriendlyGuy

Welcome back from the break

For the second hypnosis demonstration, you'll be observing rapid induction
Before I begin the demo, there are a few reminders:

Hi, I'm MN_Friendlyguy, your hypnotist
 --- I sell a few mp3 here on the site.  I've got free recordings here too

Thank you to WMM for hosting.  Be sure to support the site, okay?

A special welcome goes out to Hypnogroupies
 --- especially hypnogroupies who are being rewarded

Three last things before I bring out the next subject.  Counting downward . . .

 - Three, this demonstration uses trigger phrases
 --- won't that be fun ?

 - Two, a few words about the next subject

When Juan Carlos comes out for the demo, please remain still
 --- remain locked perfectly still until I waken him

I'll talk to him briefly
 --- be calm

Eventually, I'll trigger trance by saying the phrase he loves
 --- this is going to be be fun

I'll touch the center of Juan Carlos' forehead while saying the trigger phrase
 --- watch for the moment when his eyes go unseeing and blank

We'll pause to give him a few moments to recover
 --- if you peek ahead at the trigger now, you'll get to read it again

Then I'll trigger him again a little more aggressively
 --- the assertiveness takes him deeper - and he enjoys it

 - One,  Please invite Juan Carlos to come out and have a seat
     (there's a pause - and then polite applause as Juan Carlos has a seat)
     (He places his hands on his thighs and puts his feet flat on the floor)

Thank you, Juan Carlos, for agreeing to help with this demonstration

You know what's coming - already on the edge

First, though, may I have permission to ask about hypnosis in your childhood?
     (Juan Carlos agrees and laughs self-consciously a little)

As a child, you feared hypnosis

You feared it so much that you would switch off any TV program or movie that showed hypnosis.  Is that right ?
     (Juan Carlos agrees and then tells about a specific show with a hypnotist whose trances were villianously seductive . . .  )

 --- a touch on the forehead
 --- keep reading

(The push of my finger tips the head of Juan Carlos' backward - eyes toward the ceiling)
(you watch his eyeballs go blank as his body collapses)

(After a few moments, he lifts his head - a little dazed)

 --- a firmer tap to the forehead
 --- keep reading

(Again, my finger tips his head backward)
(a heavy feeling allows the body to slump into relaxation that's profound)

(After a few moments, his lips move.  More dazed)
(Juan Carlos smiles at some inner thought - and gives a quiet laugh)

S  L  E  E  P

Give inI tell him

(While his eyes are blank, I signal the audience by pressing a finger to my lips)
(locked in stillness, please)

I'm the hypnotist
 --- Give in now

(Juan Carlos is drifting in trance - his body feels disconnected and gone)

I'm the hypnotist
 --- We're going to play a fun memory game

Imagine getting in a car with me

and driving to a coffee shop

You've been to coffee shops, so you remember the aroma

Here at the table . . .  with our coffee

I lean in toward you and quietly tell you:


Feel how enjoyable this is

Feel how enjoyable it is when you:

G I V E   I N

When we get back 
 --- a
fter we're back from the coffee shop

Remembering this trip is going to be easy

Remembering the sounds . . .

Remembering the smell of the coffee I drank

as I told you:  S L E E P

Take your time

Look around
 --- at the tables;  at the cups

Feel how vulnerable you are to being hypnotized

Then, as awareness slowly returns

I wonder how strongly you're going to wonder about the touch of a finger on your forehead

I'm pausing into silence now - giving time to remember the trip back;  giving you time to waken gradually
 --- and unlock


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