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InsaneCPRClown's Recent Entries

is it done yet?

by InsaneCPRClown

ok... i have breasts... no hair on my legs... very little hair on my arms... i got feminine hips... i got the ass always... my voice is still getting higher... i think its almost done... o and i have a vagina O.o kinda kool... lol last night i didnt need the lady rio Female Orgasm file to actually feel it =oD i did it myself... my god it was so damend nice... its kinda hard gettin use to the breasts... but im slowly getting use to them =oD wooohoooooo!!! almost done i believe... unless it changes sex preference and the way ya think O.o Peace, ummmm... should i go with a girl name???


- Ohka

Ok, i don't really believe u have a 'real' vagina, but I would believe u hallicinating this effect. Too bad u do not have any before/after pics.

- InsaneCPRClown

i wish i had a camera...

- dvm258

i thought the file just gave you a hole to urinate through and not a vagina?

- InsaneCPRClown

well if thats the case... somethin went wrong somewhere... and my subconcious took somethin the wrong way O.o but o well... after tongiht ima start seeing if i can reverse this

- homerj1620

after tongiht ima start seeing if i can reverse this

why not continue and see what happens?

- InsaneCPRClown

i would like to... but ya see... the file is supposedly irreversible... i wanted to see if that was true, along with if the file worked... apparently it worked... so its time to see if it is irreversible

- Ohka

How would u feel if it really is irreversible?

- dvm258

if you find out it is reversible, would you rather be a man or a woman? i was hoping you would continue more to see what happened.

- InsaneCPRClown

id just find a way to deal with it... and tonight i start the turning back if its possible...

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