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Vicky_wqa's Recent Entries

17-08 to 30-09-2005

by Vicky_wqa

I was dressing up as a girl/woman since I can remember, and if it wasn't for my dad I would have been a happy transvestite today. My mum let me dress up and walk around in the house while she was there. But I had to change before dad came home otherwise he would give me a spanking like no other and that is why I am still doing it in secret at age 25. I even fell in love with a boy in high school, I was in love with him for a long time before I confronted him and told him. We were friends at the time and I saw slowly how my friendship dissolved into nothing. And my friend even took my best friend as his girlfriend and I stopped seeing her too. I thought it was unfair just because I was the wrong sex I did not think of my self as gay guy I thought as myself as a girl who was in love with a boy. Well the other day I was thinking that I am a joke still dressing up secretly as a woman at age 25 and I was surfing the net and found out about feminization to change my self into a woman and that is what this experiment is about. I got a lot of warnings from people telling me not to do this because there is no going back, the only way back is trough female to male Sex change, but I did it anyway. Files used Superfemalewhammy.mp3 Started 17-08-05 CurseHormonechange.mp3 Started 20-08-05 Listening to superfemalewhammy.mp3 at least twice a day. Listening to curseHormonechange.mp3 twice a week. What is supposed to happen ? Loose body hair Grow Breasts Shrink Penis to nothing Body Creates own Female Hormones for Sustainability Body fat transfer to Give female shape Vital Info Name Vicky Sex Male at the moment Age 25 Height 1.76 m Shape Slim with a belly Wednesday 17-08-05 Today I started Sex change therapy trough hypnosis I will try to do these files as many times a day as I can. Thursday 18-08-05 Today I say some results. Like my breasts felt a little bigger by touch and even heavier to carry around, but no visual difference. I also thought that my penis felt like it is very small and that it was decreasing in size every minute of the day. Saturday 20-08-05 Today I started looking for differences in my hips and bums and it did look bigger than usual but it could also just be in my head. My boobs seem to have slightly increased in size but visually it still only looks like man boobs. I also seem to be acting more female. I did not do feminization therapy. Another thing is that my breast feels more sensitive, not only to touch but certain clothes I wear irritates them. I urinate sitting down even if I try to stand I still find myself pulling my pants to my knees and sitting to urinate. Something that I have also noticed is that the skin around my hands feels softer. Personal thoughts : How will I explain this to my boss when it gets so bad that I can't hide it any more. I live in South Africa the most friendly country in the world on sex change. You can even change your ID Book to say that you are a female. If this works I will be the happiest woman in the world, because I have prayed to God even tried some witchcraft to try and change myself into a women. I will be taking new measurements every Saturday. Here are the measurements as from today. Hips 105 cm Waist 85 cm Bust 102 cm Monday 22-08-05 Today I put on my training bra, and I could finally see an improvement. I don't know if this is relevant but there are bald patches on my legs where I had hair before. I measured my Bust with the training bra on and it measures in at 102 cm. They also look bigger in the training bra. I actually wish I had a camera to show you how it really looks it's really amazing a disappointment is my hips it is showing no size increase. I am starting to hear slight differences in my voice. I must say that my skin also feels softer than usual. Personal thoughts : I was sitting in my office wishing that the process will speed up and I could be a woman. I have decided to take on the exams so I can get another job when this gets worse I will just apply for the new work as a woman. Anny executives reading this can e mail me at. I am looking for work as Junior VB Programmer I am willing to settle for a small salary. Before I said that “I would be the happiest woman in the world if this works” I would still be it's just a pity I can't change my circumstances, honestly I would be the outcast in this town maybe even country. There are a lot of transsexuals here in South Africa but I will be the first man who changed his sex without even going trough surgery. The only thing I will still have done is maybe my face I am not happy with my face. Tuesday 23-08-05 Today once again I put on the training bra and measured in at 104 cm, Now it is moving to fast for me to keep up. It's still less than an a cup but there is an visual difference. I used to be constantly moving my bra into place even while I was wearing breast forms, now it seems to stay in place. And again my hair is thinning out all over my body. I have organized to get a camera by next Wednesday for the “seeing is believing” people there you go. Wednesday 24-08-05 Personal thoughts: I will be stopping this till the end of this month if there are no further changes I will not do this experiment anymore. The main reason for this is that I am very depressed now, and I don't know whether it is the hormones that is doing this. As I was sitting in the bath, I even had thoughts of taking my own life and, I had thought about it before but never this strong and never was I this emotional about it I had the razor to my arm and I heard my inner voice say “to change into a woman will take more than just one week, so give it a little longer”. I just don't want to be a transvestite at age fifty I will rather kill my self. I am half that age so maybe I could have some meaning full relationships with men if this works. Wednesday 28-09-05 I believe this will work but I just have to be patient. I only started listening again last night and today I took some measurements again the reason for me taking measurements is that again I can see a breasts forming. 105 cm around the bust area. There is still no clear penis shrinkage. But I don't pay a lot of attention to that “Thing”.


- dvm258

for better results you should listen to the files several times a day.

- gurlbidesign

As someone who started to transition at age 50, all I can say is get a grip. Genetic girls don't sprout breasts overnight and it took me over a year to get the small ones I have after starting on hormones. Hynosis isn't the only way to change your physical gender, it isn't even the best way. Do your homework, check out what else is availabe to you and work towards that as a goal. By all means do the files too but don't think about killing yourself if they aren't doing everthing that you wish them to do. The only guarenteed method of physically changing your body is via hormones and then surgery to finish the process. Believe me, being trans at 50 is ever so much better then being dead at 25.....think about it.

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