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Memory loss

by tyd_up

I used TrainHypnoLoss before another file last night. I remember being very aware of being in trance. The second file was one by Goddess Spiral. I am not sure what file. I remember a small snatch of it. I don't know if I fell asleep or if the memory loss worked.

I haven't listened to TrainBOndagePet in two or three weeks but I think that it is still working.

I'm still locking on a chastity device. I had some friction problems last night and had to take it off and I felt the need to have my hands tied together.

Also, I used TrainHypnoLoss with BondagePet a few times. I know that I listened to BondagePet but I don't remember anything about it except what is in the description.

Until now memory loss files have not worked on me at all.


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