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tyd_up's Recent Entries

Memory Loss

by tyd_up

TrainHypnoLoss seems to be working at last. I've used it off and on for nearly two years and never had any memory loss although it did seem to help with the next file. I've been using it for that purpose with BondagePet. Recently I've noticed that I have a lot of trouble remembering what is in BondagePet. Since I have been listening to BondagePet once or twice a day someties, you would thnk that I would have it down word for word. In fact, I sometimes have trouble remembering the actual name fo the file. I still remember listening to it but the time I am under is a blur. I remember the induction then I wake up. I think that most of what I am remembering about the file comes from the description.


- iamli3

this gave me the pre-feeling so far.........then why am i still reading? sucks to be like this and also have a need to get more........

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