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tyd_up's Recent Entries

Catching Up

by tyd_up

I happened to start a text journal last week so I will copy it over to this journal.


Curse Plugs. Since I'm already under CursePunishmentPlug, this adds a second similar curse on top of the first. CursePunishmentPlug is just there but expanding. The new one moves. This heightened the sensation. I'm not sure that this is a good thing. The PunishmentPlugs have a minimum time limit. The other one did not seem to have a limit. I wonder what would happen if one curse had a longer limit than the other when they compliment each other this way?


Goddess Spiral TrigSlave. I fell asleep during the induction so it probably didn't do anything.



I notice that simply going under makes me feel the CursePunishmentPlugs more. I mainly feel it as a tingling in my anus.


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