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Garboho88's Recent Entries

The beginning

by Garboho88

Ok, Im not sure why Im compelled to do this, and thus cannot assure how up-to-date I will be. But i guess none of that matters, since this is only about me, myself, and my path that i have chosen. What path one asks? I have decided that I will become a bedwetter. I know the next question, "Why on earth would a health, fairly decent looking 24 year old male want to wet his bed?" this, i guess, i cannot explain. But i know that it's something that I must do. I think im at a point in my life where i can blame it on stress, stress associated with law school, work, adn finding a job. To be honest, ive actually started this process a few wks ago. I've been going to bed with a full bladder and wearing a diaper. However, i always sleep through my alarm and wake up needing to pee. In fact only once have i awoke in the middle of the night needing to pee. This time is different i believe since im now wearing diapers 24/7 and have done so since sunday october 23. I think this will decrease my bladder capacity and will use this journal to keep my progress Good luck to me!!!


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