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tryed 3 files

by mommy

so far i feel very little effect from all of the files ive tryed so far ..trying a 4th as soon as possable


- makidas

may i suggest that you try one file at a time? you will get faster and better results that way!

- jodysub

Love it is not a listen once and have the world change. You must want to allow it and it could take a long time to see results. Some things are easier than others, but it depends on you. I agree pick one and give it time. Some people can listen and have something happen instantly, but not me. I have a very stong will and do not let go of control easy. Just your statement of wanting to be TG tells me you are likely strong willed because you are going aginst socity. I am a CD so I understand LOL Hugs Kim L

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