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I tried Deepening1 & I like

by daveprc

I tried on a lark yesterday deepening1 and I must say, i think I'm progressing. Then again, I listened to it 3 times during the daytime yesterday, I fell asleep in the computer room to it last night - the wife wasn't terribly happy about it, listened again several times in a row today and will shortly go back to it. I sense myself fallinf deeper, i do still have the feeling of my muscles tensing up, I'm definately walking down a spiral stairwell and it seems, if things are going right which i think it is, that I am entering some sort of trance, deeper each time. I'm still concious & aware of everything going on - i don't know if i'm still resisting or is this normal as I progress - I would love some feedback on that. Also, another sideeffect I've found is that my sex drive seems to be up - i don't know if this is just something that happens or i'm starting to let go of whatever in my mind has given me a generally reduced sex drive most of my life - my brother also had the same problem. Anyways, I'm going to keep trying it for the next couple hours - Friday nights are the wife's night out with the girls, i get thursdays with the darts team, so i'll keep you all posted. On another note, my wife has started on a light regime of induction and sublimtraintrance. I told her about the increase metabolism file from the site and she eagerly wants to try it. I also told her about cursesharedorgasms, which we are now planning on starting together in a few weeks and she is even interested in trainperfectwife - she did always want me to be the man in the relationship. Now to decide what I will do with myself when I'm done my basic conditioning.


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