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Its my birthday

by dee

Well I know its been awhile but, todays my birthday! I was just sitting here reading all the new files. and was enjoying some femmine" time .The changes continue to come. I feel more comfortable in a bra now more then ever. b cup fits so well now. and its making my boobs so perky. some funny things have happened too lately. I was at a store the other day when a clerk came over to help. He said "ma'am can i help you. I just looked at him. Inside my heart was pounding. but then he realized i was male and corrected himself. Inside it felt so good . I wasn't even trying to look femme. Then a few days later I was at a friends home. When in came running her grand daughter and said gram who's the lady, again it sent my heart pounding. After I left again it felt so good. Sometimes the eyes of the innocent see the truth so easilly. Kisses


- KimLynn

I am so happy for you, that is what it is about. Just being you. Hugs Kim Lynn

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