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I am not an android but androgyneous

by darwingift

So, hi there. No one will probably read this, and I don't necessarily care. All I know is one thing - and that one thing is a mystery. I'm apparantly androgyne, according to a random test I took for shits and giggles (hehehe) on transsexual.org. Okay. I knew I kinda had it coming for me - I was ubnlike all the other guys (and that same cliche you've heard million times). However, I was comfortable with my sexuality - I might have a kinda high voice, and I might be more intrested in cooking and gardening then some other guys, but I've always liked girls. Then apparantly, I went through a huge "2001-type" mindwarp. Maybe I'm female? Nah...I'm androgenous. I actually have some sort of breasts caused by gynecostia, a horrible disease that caused/still causing self-esteem issues. What's a guy like me supposed to do? Turn into girl? That's kinda odd...especially because I have dabbled in Crossdressing (which turns me into a wierd thing...), but I've always felt like this wasn't me. Also, I still liked girls. If my subconcious a lesbian, that makes me laugh. I am intrested in hypnosis (otherwise I wouldn't be here). I think hypnosis does work through a kinda placebo effect on the body (my own uneducated opinion). I'm intrested in the transformation side of things, and I think the effect of it on the body is an intresting parralax. I'm done randomly ranting, so here's a poem. Reverse Everything is nothing Except if it's everything This is nothing, this is nothing Or is it everything? We are nothing who we seem to be Nothing who we like to see I am nothing, you are nothing This is just a lie, baby You're a lie, I'm a lie Let's go in reverse, let's turn in for the night Everythig is nothing it's daytime Let's go for a walk Let's go for an understanding Everything is everything Nothing is love


- KimLynn

Intreasting, and at least one person read it ME LOL. You sound like I do to an extent, why fit a box. Am I a CD or a TS? I do not know but will find out when I get there, until then just live life. I am glad you are figuring yourself out. Hugs Kim Lynn

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