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New file for me.

by KimLynn

I have spent a lot of time remixing my own custom file. I have only listened to it once and either feel asleep or went into a deep deep trance. All I know is I woke after it was over. It contains parts from most of the feminization files. I simply removed anything that I objected about so maybe it will work. I plan on doing most of it anyway if the file works or not. It would just be nice to have that little push. I removed all Slut references... as that is not me. I hope to try again tonight, that depends on how the evening goes. I feel that the parts I objected to in the files were holding me back. I would reject the whole file if there was one thing that I objected to. I will have to wait and see. Hugs Kim Lynn


- erika_davis

Good luck with the new file. I have found that making a custom file such as yours, removing the parts you find irrevelent, works quite well. EMG makes great files but I would imagine it's hard to make a generic file that works for everyone. The file I made is quite long and is broken down into sections dealing with dressing, physical changes, sex, etc. and is on one cd. I can listen to the whole thing or just the parts I need to hear. It has definitely given me insight and encouragement.

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