Interesting Developmentby tyd_upIt has been well over a week since I listened to TrainHypnoLoss but it seems to be getting stronger. I have listened to the other file several times and it is working. I am wearing my CB3000 and tying myself up every night. I also spend a lot of time thinking about new ways that I could tie myself up. So far I am only tying myself up at night but this is partly because I would have trouble explaining myself to my wife. She ties me up for sex but is not into ondage otherwise. As I said, TrainHypnoLoss is getting stronger. I remember less and less about the other file. Today I listened to it but partway through I became convinced that I had switched it for a different file. When I woke up I realized that this was unlikely and began wondering if I had fallen asleep? Both of these are part of TrainHypnoLoss.