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darwingift's Recent Entries

You Talk Big

by darwingift

Many wonder if hypnosis works. I believe it does, but rather on a placebo effect level. You think that a pill that the doctor prescribes you would work, just like you think that a file that a man from the Internet gives you would work. Of course, I have heard many supernatural things (like someone growing a vaginny, to be very creepy), which I have no real explanation for. Another theory is that it simply reveals repressed feelings. Maybe sexual excitement. I call that fetishists. Anyways, call 1-800-472-7774 to recieve a free video about a man whose life becomes orgasmic due to meeting with the Do ya know what? I'm done. Make what you will of me. You talk big anyways. (This was in an email to an ex-loved one of mine. Make of it what you will.)


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