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hydro's Recent Entries

First Post...

by hydro

... which is really the third post because I lost the real first post and I made a test post. *sigh*

So here I am, speaking to the world (or is it the void?)... which is unusual for me, since I'm more introverted and voyeuristic than exhibitionist.

Anyway, I downloaded a bunch of the induction files a couple of days back but have had no success as of yet. I've never been hypnotised (nor had the opportunity to be). One problem I've had with the inductions is that the terms "obey" and "obedience" are very jarring; I'm not submissive (I don't know what the correct term is - "switch" doesn't quite fit. "Co-dominant", perhaps. Don't labels suck ;^). It's probably related to my analytical/rational mind. Ah well; I can but persist


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