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jonathanjonathan's Recent Entries

Waiting for success

by jonathanjonathan

I figured that I would document my experience with the file, TrigBodySlave for those who migth be skeptical, like me, as to whether anything will ever really work. I have been listening on and off to the file for about 2 years, but not for any sustained period of time. Probably the most I have listened to it consecutively is for 7 days in a row (once or twice a day). So far I really am not seeing much effect when I try to test the trigger in the "chat room" here. There is a slight urge to follow some of th instructions, but they are very easy to resist so far. I've been told that even if the urge is there, that I should go ahead and follow whatever commands are given, and that will deepen the trigger. I'm game to trying that, but it just seems like things shouldn't have to "warm up" with simple stuff like raising both hands or standing up and sitting down. I am hoping that when the trigger finally does work that it will actually work, and that somebody will not have to "whittle" away my resistence before my body will follow any command. Thoughts, anyone? So I am going to try to listen for a longer period of time, consistantly, and see if that does the trick. I'll see how long I can keep at it!


- rubaluva

Good luck with it. I am trying it myself along with a couple of other files.

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