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tyd_up's Recent Entries

TrigSlave trial

by tyd_up

Using TrainHypnoLoss with TrainBondagePet has worked pretty well. I have trouble even remembering the name of the file. Now I'm going to try TrainHypnoLoss with TrigSlave. If everything works, I will eventually forget that I have this trigger which means that I cannot tell anyone. Just for some excitement, I am posting this along with my email address & Yahoo messenger ids are (tyd_up2000@yahoo.com) in case someone else wants to test the trigger on me. It is now January 3, 2006 so it will take a few times listening before I expect to get results. Mark


- iamli3

"i have trouble remebering the names of the files" it would seem you also have trouble remembering that youve said that about half a dozen times now -.-' ......... what the crap 2006 o.o? wow this shit im reading must be REAALLYYY out of date then o.o' ..............

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