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A plan

by Smfx

Well, I am rather new at this. I have loved hypnosis my whole life, but only found out about places like this reciently. I also love wolves, and think i should have been born wolf, not human. I soon relised my too fetishes could work together and found the perfect file, trig furry.

I had listened for two weeks, but with no luck. I lost the enthusam I had at first because of the lack of success, and eventually stopped. Luckly, I still looked around the site, and reading of other success stories, I am motivated to try again.

This time, my plan is going to learn to go into trace first, listening to the go into trance files. I'll still listen to Trigfurry, but more focus will go in the induction. I really hope it works, and will show all my progress here. If it does work, then maybe I'll start working on the other fetishs I have....


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