chrono117's Recent EntriesLost Weekendby chrono117Hi, this is my first post. I discovered this site through It's hillarious, I latch on to whatever fetish they ridicule on Awful Link of the Day or Weekend Web.
I'm very suggestible, so I thought this might be pretty easy. Unfortunately, I am hard to hypnotise. My mind is very alert and I can't sleep if there's any noise, light or the temperature's not perfect.
I downloaded just about all the free ones, and as soon as I master going under and stert seeing results I'll buy the premium ones. I bought an MP3 player and have a playlist that might be a bit too long:
and a few Deepenings and stuff.
I haven't really noticed any results yet, once while listening to HornySchoolgirl, I really felt myself changing. I tried TrigSlowChange and during the trance turned into a girl from SuicideGirls and then Gadget from Rescue Rangers, if you can believe that. I haven't gotten any triggers to work in the daytime.