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Depth in a trance is absence os thought, I think...

by patches

Yesterday's trance work went well. I am starting to relaxe as soon as I hear the woman's voice in the first sentence of the track. Its almost instinctive now, I hear her voice and I think relaxe. Since I learned to get this way in only a few days I'm sure listening to master's voice will do the same. I went under and relaxed, I had a few thoughts floating around my head but I let them go. I find instead of focusing on pushing them away if I just left them drift around they vanish on their own in a few moments. I felt myself sinking in and got comfortable. Of all the times, I thought I heard someone knocking on my door. My first reaction was to sit up out of bed but I didn't move! I was trying to sit up but found I couldn't actually make myself move. Lucky for me no one was actually at my door, but that surprised me. My eyes were wide open but my body wouldn't move. After a moment or two I got myself to sit up and just felt sluggish but otherwise normal. I think thats progress right there. I eagerly await hearing my master's voice.



- Blink

Depth in trance is an interesting topic. For clinical purposes, there are lots of people who say that it really doesn't matter. If you're looking for the interesting trance phenomena -- positive and negative hallucinations and such -- then you'll want to "bottom out" on the Davis-Husband scale. As to what depth IS, it's not so easy. If you think of the mind as an iceberg, then consciousness is the part that floats above the waterline. The bulk of the berg is below the surface (the subconscious), and the bottom-most tip is completely hidden (unconscious). If trance is focused attention, then depth is a measure of how thoroughly you're able to focus that attention deeper. Another way to conceptualize trance is that it is just be a way of bypassing the part of your mind that calls "Bullshit!" when it encounters something contrary to your (Superego's) rule set. I would call such a part "The Annoying Bastard," but someone else already named it the "critical faculty." Disclaimer: The reality inside my skull is not necesarily congruent with the reality inside your skull. Your mileage may vary.

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