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chrono117's Recent Entries

New week, new file

by chrono117

Today's the day I start RobotTime. I listened to TrigRobot, but wasn't really impressed by it. I really need to see results, which haven't been all that verifiable. And I'm not telling anyone about this until I have something to show them. After one last romp with my girlfriend over Spring Break, I'm going to go whole hog and see if CursePrePuberty and SuperFemaleWhammy work. Unless, of course, she likes the idea of hypnotism so much she wants me to be her slave or use it to increase our sex life in other ways. Either way, by Wednesday I should be able to activate the Robot.


- patches

Hello, sorry to intrude a little. I just thought I would comment about the super female whamy file. I've been listening to this file for a few days now and I can say it seems to work slowly but it does work. After the first time I listen to it I had the urge to listen to it again. After about the third time I put it away and didn't think about it. I went to the bathroom and without thinking sat down just to pee, just like the file commanded me to do. My nipples became more sensitive but I dont notice any physical changes but definatly emotional and sensation differences. Just thought I would toss my two cents in. ~Patches~

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