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halaham's Recent Entries

Feeling woozy

by halaham

This is my absolute first experience with hyponosis. I listen to the induction several times then the exotic dreams one. Guess I'll know tomorrow how effective it was. When first listening to the induction I found my heart rate spead up and I kept opening my eyes just to let myself know that I was still in control. I was frightened, and cautious. After all I didn't trust some womans voice I downloaded from the internet. But once I listen all the way to the end and felt comfortable that there was no hidden trick she'd play on me the next time I actually felt effected by it. I was relax I did feel a little loss of control when she said the word one. By tumje three and four I could tell when my body was relaxed and I felt confident that I'd be "under" when she got to the count down. When I actually listen to a session on erotic dreams I wasn't very sure of how deep I was under. It started and was over and I'm just not sure what to compare it to. When it was all done I felt somewhat buzzzed. Kind of like a handover really but not painful. Things seem a little fogy, but I think that's because I am actually really relaxed. I can't really remember what she said to me. At least not word for word, but I remember the jist of it and I dont think it was whipped, just simply a matter f only hearing smething once.


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