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Layers and layers of warm wet sand...

by patches

I'm getting to the point now that the song before the induction file is triggering my body to relaxe and prepare itself. Like when I used to turn the radio on softly before going to bed, just hearing the noise in the background would help me relaxe and sleep. I also woke up with that song stuck in my head. My mind has been trying to wrap itself around different details in the long story since the second time I've heard it. Listening to parts I might have over looked or trying to see the same line in a different light. Oddly enough, when I think too much at night I usually cant get to sleep. I was already relaxed by the time the music on track one ended and the induction file started. I began to think about what the Doctor's office would look like. Pretty bland office except for a collection of purple items here and there. Something about "..and when someone calls you on a purple phone, you listen dont you?" keeps repeating in my head. I thought I would have been board to tears having to listen to this long file about nothing over and over but I enjoy listening to it. Certain phrases or thoughts from the file keep getting stuck in my head and I keep looking at the same sentance thinking of how many different ways it could be seen. I have been listening to the file trying to pick out triggers but I dont think I've found any (nor do I really expect to find them). The mention of the sand makes me start to go under and effects my body like it dosn't want to move. I imagined Master making me dig a hole in the sand and then getting into it so he could bury me up to my neck in the sand and then just sit behind me talking about Dr. Erikson. No that was not a request, Sir! Some parts of the file seem 'fuzzy' I know I listen to the whole thing but some parts seem unclear or hard to remember. I remember hearing Master's voice saying "good boy" to me near the end. I listen to the file the first time sitting up so I wouldn't go under and I recall the mention of having to learn to write in script but I dont recall hearing that part in the file last night or the night before. I wonder if I'm focusing on other things so I miss a few lines or if I'm so relaxed I'm zoning out. ~Patches~


- Blink

I’m quite pleased with the effects you’re seeing. Going more deeply and more quickly into trance is the desired effect from the repeated practice sessions you’re doing. You’re right that you’re unlikely to pick out “triggers” in the induction. For one thing, I don’t set trigger phrases the same way that EMG does. For another, you’re not supposed to consciously remember many of the active parts of the file. There isn’t any specific instruction for you to have amnesia; I’ve just built the file that way. Dr. Erickson said that the best instructions, the ones easiest for you to follow, are often the ones that you’ve forgotten completely. There are also parts of the recording that I’m sure you remember, only you don’t know what their purpose is. For some parts, if the purpose ever becomes evident it won’t be until you hear the next file in the series… or maybe the one after. And I’m finding out from your feedback how to make the next ones better. -- JAU

- Blandingjax

It seems you are doing well with the "program." What are you goals...what do yu want to accomplish. Just curious. Bland

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