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patches' Recent Entries

Every time you hear something new...

by patches

I keep listening to this induction file and it bothers me that I seem to be 'missing' parts of it. I dont think my mind is wondering off and missing whats being said. Its just weird. I listen to the beginning and then I start to fade. I cant remember most of the file and I'm sure I didn't fall asleep during the track either. Its just like I relaxe and I'm gone during part of the track. It seems like the parts I 'miss' are becoming larger each time I listen to it. I can feel myself relaxing but its getting to the point I dont turn the CD player off nor do I recall taking the ear phone out before I fall asleep but every morning the CD player is off to the side. This is kind of odd, maybe I'm just doing it without thinking or too tired to notice it. ~Patches~


- Blink

Maybe. But probably not. -- JAU

- Blink

I realized after I'd posted it that my comment seemed a little cute and not too informative. Don't worry that you're missing anything. The less you remember about the file, the better it's working. A large portion of the file is intended to slip directly into your subconscious. If you've "lost" a lot of it, then you're doing excellent work. If you're taking off the headphones and turning off the CD player then you're following postyhypnotic suggestions perfectly. If you're doing that without remembering any of it... then I have something new to play with, don't I? -- JAU

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