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patches' Recent Entries

March 8th

by patches

As I lay in my bed listening to Slip knot in my ear. Slip knot dosn't exactly 'whisper'. The song seeming to push past just my usual senses and into my mind. I recall hearing words and meanings in it I never heard before. Apparently relaxing and letting the voices float into my ear rather then focusing on anything changes your view on things. Master's voice started up and I smiled thinking this was going to be nice. I was wondering if this would put me to sleep or and that stupid song "Suicide is painless" started up in my head again! I tried to focus on the song but for some reason I couldn't it was like the song was being turned down lower and lower untill it was gone. This Cd is much more direct then the last one, I cant let my mind drift off on some random subject like I could with the other Cd. Its much more direct but its still very deep...I love it! ~Patches~


- Blink

There is no need for you to consciously follow any of the monologue. You can put the headphones on and zone out completely, if that's what you'd like. You're right about the way the disk works. The first disk was intended to pave the way for this one and was very gentle and general. This disk uses the trance anchor from the first disk to move you along more quickly and is giving you some tools that will then be available for future work. Once you get past your curious nature and quit trying to hear every word, this disk should knock you on your butt just like the first one did. (Insomnia: cured.) -- JAU

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