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tyd_up's Recent Entries

Various triggers

by tyd_up

I've mainly been writing about memory loss for two reasons. The first is that I haven't had anyone to trigger me so I cannot do much testing of triggers. The bigger reason is that with other files there is always the possibility that I a simply going along with it, that I could stop at any time. In fact, once I tried the more extreme test of TrigSlave. When I got to a certain point, it was past my limits and I just quit. Even when going along, I felt slightly like I was in a trance but not *compelled*. Memory loss is different. I have a good memory and I know from early tests that listeing to one of the files should leave a very distinct memory. If it doesn't then the hypnosis is working. This is very encouraging ince I originally used TrainHypnoLoss just to enhance the second file. I didn't really expect theemory loss to work.

With that in mind, I listened to at least fou files today but I'm not quite sure which ones. I know I added TrigStatue2 and TrigSlave at least once. Beyond that, I'm not sure because of memory loss.

I was considering paying EMG to do a companion file for TrainBondagePet for my wife to make her want to keep me tied up all the time. I was going over aspects and I sudenly remembered part of BondagePet. Since I had just listened to it the night before, I couldn't have forgotten it without hypnotic help.


- iamli3

.......im not sure how much more of this i can take -.-' ..........

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