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poetzero's Recent Entries

My nose!

by poetzero

It appears I have hit a brick wall. In some ways, I feel like I've made some progress, but in other ways I feel like I've regressed.

Issues of concentrating are a problem and completely blocking out my environment is a contentious matter (it's rather noisy).

I have been listenning to Deeping2 and ConfusionInduction , which I do believe helping get into a deeper trance. I do have a slight sense of weightlessness, but I do think I can raise the intensity of that sensation.

The trigger file I've been listenning to, on the other hand, seems to not be taking hold as it did earlier and has me a bit miffed. Perhaps I'm consentrating too much on the trance aids; trying too hard for it all to work. You know, straining the brain, as it were.

Now I do realize I may have a somewhat analytical mind, however, as a musician, I discovered early on that there would be times "drifting into" a groove for 30-60 minutes on the same riff over and over when I'd be practicing at home and not realizing the time frame until I stopped playing. If that's not some sort of a trance state then I just don't know.

Regardless, I might be slightly discouraged, but still unbowed. Maybe I'll ease up for a couple of days and not think about it too much and then return. I know, I'm treating this like one of my creative projects, but that's my analytical mind. I really would like to see this work. So much potential. And no, I don't take well to failure.

Oh yeah! One odd thing occurred since my last journal entry worth noting. One day while reading the news on-line (is there any other way now?), all of a sudden from out of nowhere I could clearly hear EMG's voice saying phrases from the TrigWoman2 file. Weirdly intense. Or is that intensely weird?


- iamli3

if that voice thing happened to me i would be screaming FFUUU like there was no tomorrow.....

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