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touched_it's Recent Entries

Not sure about this, but............

by touched_it

I'm getting this weird feeling in my back side, it feels like I'm sitting on a tenis ball to create a pressure. Sometimes it feels like I'm bouncing on it, and when I focus on it it fades away to almost nothing (to the point that it feels like I imagined it). Later when I'm doing other things I find that my butt is doing it again. No urges as of yet to stick something into it yet.


- patches

I am by no means an expert with hypnotizm but I have experienced a few intresting things while I was going through my own trainning. I believe the file put the thought into your subconscience that you like things in your ass, so when your not paying attention your brain starts believing somethings touching you down there and when you focus on it your conscience takes over and the subconscience stops suggesting the feeling. Does that make any sense? Do you find yourself even mildy aroused when the pressure 'sneaks up' on you? If you masterbait try closing your eyes and thinking of a large thick butt plug (not nessesarily inside you yet) and see what that does. Well these are just my two cents worth, good luck. ~Patches~

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