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demigraff's Recent Entries

The other side of the mirror

by demigraff

Today, I finally unlocked my dominant side :) Helped a few people on chat into trance, and found that I really enjoy being in control. This is a big step for me mentally - I always assumed that Andy was dominant and I'm submissive, so this has taught me that its silly to try and put people into cardboard cutout categories, even myself. Especially myself, I guess. My next file to make a script of will be TrigPuppy, making it 9 done, 137 to go (if I counted correctly) Anyone want me to do a particular script next?


- nuit09

By script do you mean transcribing text or do you mean narrating it as a hypnotist onto a recording? If you mean the latter i have one languishing on the vote page with 72 votes. i have a rough draft in the general hypnosis forum waiting edit by a hypnotist for hypnotism friendly flow and trigger insertion. If you have multi-tracked recording software i have an 8 channeled binaural recording for the background. i can also get fewer channeled binaurals if necessary.

- demigraff

Sorry nuit, when I say scripts I mean transcribing the existing files. I keep thinking about making virtualhypnotist versions, too, but never seem to get around to it.

- nuit09

no problem. it does not hurt to ask.

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