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tyd_up's Recent Entries

Total Sucess

by tyd_up

I wrote a program that will play random WMM files from a list. On a random basis, it also plays TrainHypnoLoss to make the file following more effective. When I tried the program today I went under as normal during the coutdown from ten but I have no idea what happened after that. I tried it two times. Both ties I woke later without knowing what files I listeed to, I am fairly sure that I didn't fall asleep. This may not be a good thing. Four of the files on the list were curses. They are curses that I am willing to live with but I would like to know if I am cursing myself. I might find out if I suddenly feel a need to play one of these. On the other hand, I'm not supposed to ever remember hearing the file so who knows? The TrainBondagePet I've been listening to is working on me very strongly. I've always been into self-bondage so I figured that this file couldn't affect me much but I find that my need to be tied up is getting stronger all the time. Note - I still remeber that I have been using that file but I don't remember anything in it, just what the description says it does. I haven't tested any triggers recently. I wrote a program that will do this on a random basis, giving me around a 50% chance of hearing a trigger at some point f I leae it running long enough.


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