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deep dreamin


Chapter 1

Storm looked at the empty coat rack, his body deflating as his coat was nowhere to be seen. The black and white wolf glanced out the window, barely able to see past the torrential downpour outside. He ran his paw through his purple mohawk. He had a moment of silence for his delicately designed hair before pulling his hand off, a light coating of product covering his hand. Storm was going to see some friends today, and was not looking forward to preparing himself yet again for the evening. He took a deep breath before opening the door, a cold breeze sending shudders through him as he was immediately soaked.

Each step through the rain seemed like a mile in his sopping shoes. The poor wolf bowed his head as not to be blinded by the water smacking against his eyes. His house was at least a mile away, and all hope of getting home was lost into the blinding storm. He continued trekking into the unknown nonetheless, trusting his natural canine instincts to direct him home. Storm’s canine instincts were clearly on the fritz as he raised his head to gaze through the breaks in the water. Ahead of him were unknown buildings, unknown streets. Even through the rain Storm could see that there was nothing familiar. He began to panic and slipped into an alley, taking rest underneath a canopy. 

His phone made a cacophonous chirp as he pulled it out of his soaked pocket.

The battery is getting low, less than 1% remaining,

Storm panicked, desperately trying to unlock his phone, his hands unable to gain traction against the slippery surface of the screen. The wolf’s eyes widened, his heart stopping as he saw a sight to strike fear in the heart of the most battle-hardened fur. His phone slid against his white fingers, gaining momentum as it tumbled towards the ground. The canine used all of his agility to dive for the phone, sending both him and his technology into a nearby puddle collecting depth in the alleyway. Storm pulled his face from the puddle, holding his phone triumphantly in his paws. He cried out, staring at the screen of his cell phone, drops of water pooling behind the cracked black screen. He sat in the puddle for a moment, already so drenched he could hardly notice the puddle soaking into his pants.

Attempting to gain his composure, the miserable wolf dragged himself up from the ground and slumped against the back of the wall. A deep sigh emerged from his lungs as he knew what he had to do. Storm glanced around the alley, looking for a solution. Dumpster with a feral raccoon in it, puddle, sleeping bag with an anthro raccoon in it.. This was certainly rock bottom. He leaned harder, hearing a click and tumbling onto his back into a mysterious room.

The room was dark, and Storm could hear something scuttling in the corner. He gave a moment for his eyes to adjust, the murky outlines of the room focusing into.. Slightly less murky lines. There were some box shaped things, some rounder box shaped things, and a light-switch shaped thing! Jackpot! The wolf ran over to the wall, tripping over boxes and various obstacles, his soaking clothes squeaking against the cold floor. He pulled the switch - finally there was light! With his new found sight, he scanned the room a second time. It looked like some kind of storage facility, the box shaped things ended up being boxes, but there was something particular that caught the tired canine’s droopy eyes - a bed! He dashed over to stare at it, it was certainly not his style of bed, but it would have to do. The mattress was thin, a baby blue wooden fence appeared to sit underneath it. A blanket was tucked into the mattress, and was adorned with various cartoon animals - lions, giraffes, and zebras. Storm shrugged, happy to have a place to rest until the storm passed and sprawled himself over the bed, it barely fit his 5’7” frame, his footpaws dangling off of the end just slightly. He attempted to get comfortable, wiggling and moving around until he was interrupted by a loud whirring and a computerized voice coming from underneath the bed “User detected - Commence scanning sequence”

Storm heard his heart pound against his chest as the words of the computer entered his ears. He immediately tried to leap off of the bed to be greeted by baby blue wood surrounding him. He tried to stand up and clamber over the cage, but was stopped by a soft felt tendril coming from the bottom of the machine. “Ah-ah-ah!” The computer spoke again “No climbing out! Naughty puppies don’t get treats.” Storm fell against the soft mattress, unable to resist the computer’s soft appendages wrapping around his legs and starting to slide off his soaking jeans. “I’m probably safe” the wolf panicked “If this is some kind of death robot, they’ve done a pretty bad job decorating it”. Storm saw the hand-like-piece pull his sopping pants underneath his cage. They took a moment, before reemerging with a small, pastel coloured bag. Storm hoped the machine would stop there.

Storm was wrong. A second felt laden tendril emerged from the machine, working in tandem with its peer to fish several items out of the bag: A small cylindrical bottle, several pieces of clothing looking far too small for the anxious wolf, and finally a folded fluffy package, which Storm did his best to discern the contents of. The machine placed it’s tools on the table next to the bed and began to get to work on Storm. It spoke again as it wrapped one of its lengths around the canine’s torso, flipping him onto his stomach. “Detecting one messy puppy!” Storm figured the machine had a series of pre-recorded lines, as he wasn’t exactly messy. “Let’s get you all cleaned up and ready for bed!” The machine chirped as more tendrils emerged, pulling the remainder of the wolf’s soaked clothing from his body. Although he was terrified, he was thankful to be out of his clothes. One of the tentacles slid slowly up the mattress, rubbing across his underwear, brushing against his sheath sending a tingling through the canine’s body. It wrapped around his waist, lifting him up slightly before tucking underneath his briefs and sliding them slowly down his legs and into the chamber below him.

The naked wolf saw the tentacles sliding underneath the base of his crib and took this opportunity to attempt escape. Storm turned himself over onto his back before sitting up and jumping over the side of the cage, seeing a whizzing box underneath, addled with several shiny buttons and lights. “Time to put all this video game time to work” the wolf thought before attempting to shut off the machine. His paw smacked against the plastic, an audible click hitting the machine as it stopped whirring. “Phew” Storm sighed, happy for the situation to be behind him. He turned around to attempt to find his clothes when the computerized voice spoke again, this time with a somewhat deeper tone and more seductive cadence “Experimental adult mode activated: Re-obtaining subject for testing.” 

Before the canine had time to react, the tendrils shot from the machine, wrapping around his arms and legs, and stuffing his naked body back into the crib. “In you go, pup. This is your escape attempt, adjusting punishment parameters” The tentacles wrapped around him, the wolf letting out a small gasp as his chest was fastened to the bed. The soft coating of his robotic captor keeping him surprisingly comfortable. “HEY! Power off! Cancel! Emergency Shutdown!” Storm shouted at the machine. The machine responded “Punishment engaged, run diagnostic code NOISEY-PUPPY” Storm gasped, interrupted by a purple pacifier stuffing his mouth. “Mmph! Mp-pheth- Hey!” The canine immediately spit out the pacifier, causing the machine to stop for a moment, as if staring at him disapprovingly. “BAD PUPPY” His captor caught the spat-out-pacifier and brought it under the crib for a moment, before re-emerging with it again, this time equipped with a strap around the back of it. Storm tried to shake his head, but was restrained as the pacifier was re-inserted and attached to his mouth. “No crying, be a good boy.” The machine’s voice gradually became deeper and more sinister as it continued. The menacing tone of the voice caused Storm to instinctively suck on the end of the pacifier. 

Storm was so entranced by the rhythmic sucking of the pacifier in his mouth he hardly noticed the tendrils in front of him move to grab the package it had placed on the mattress. It wasn’t until it was unwrapped that the wolf had found out what was next in store for him, the machine waved two diapers above his head “Please choose your design for today - safari or dinosaur” The machine’s voice was notable more chipper - Storm attempted his response “Mmph!!!!!!”. The machine paused “No response detected, defaulting to dinosaurs.”. Storm smiled for just a moment, he liked dinosaurs. The wolf shook his head as he heard a crinkling noise slide up his leg, unable to see the diaper due to his restraints. His fluffy behind was lifted by the tendrils as the diaper was slid on, snapping around his waist and crinkling as he wriggled himself into a comfortable position. Despite how humiliated Storm felt, there was something comforting about the position he was in, he turned his head and tried to fall asleep, suckling on his pacifier. He was interrupted by a loud noise coming from the machine, followed by a deep, slow voice.

“You’re not getting any rest yet pup” the machine sounded notably less robotic. “You seem to forget your prior” it took a beat before saying the next word “disobedience.” Immediately the canine’s relaxation ceased and his heart began to pound again. The felt restraints around his arms began to extend, the soft fabric feeling around his body with considerably more force than earlier. Two of the tentacles entered his diaper, sliding down and caressing his thighs for a moment, before one of them moved up to his groin. The fabric tendril wrapped and poked at Storm’s emerging member. The other offender was at work on the canine’s rear, teasing around his tight hole. Storm let out a muffled moan through his pacifier, his anxiety being replaced with pure pleasure. Now calm, and submitting himself completely to the will of the machine he felt himself bite down on the pacifier as the teasing tendril penetrated his rear with force. He twitched and convulsed in his fluffy restraints, his diaper crinkling with every movement, pre dripping out of his teased cock into the fabric.

The rain tapped against the roof loudly, although it did not even come close to drowning out the pacified moans coming from the enraptured canine. The machine continued to penetrate Storm, while simultaneously stroking up and down his length, filling his diaper with more pre as his cock was now twitching, ever closer to release. The machine quickened its movements, slamming in and out of Storm’s tight ass, stroking his cock faster now, leaving small strands of it’s own fur in the wolf’s fluffy sheath. Storm felt his entire body shake as his cock was grasped by the tendrils, this final act of pleasure causing the entire crib to wobble. He felt himself orgasm, cum covering the inside of his diaper, and dripping down his shaft and onto his crotch. The sticky tentacles pulled themselves out of his diaper before wiping their mess on Storm’s face, the wolf leaning into it as the cum stuck to his fur. 

Storm felt himself curl up, a tentacle moving to pull a blanket out from under the crib and beginning to tuck him in as it spoke “Thank you for testing Science Co’s latest technology, a collection agent will be by at their earliest convenience to collect you for a satisfaction survey” Storm heard the nourishing voice of his caretaker as the restraints cuddled into him, keeping him comfortable and safe in his new bed.


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