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Revenge Is A Diapered Bitch

by Fafnir789

Chapter 1

Rachel was sick and tired of her sister. The 24-year old had been living with her sister, Anna, for a while now. Anna had suggested that they share an apartment to reduce expenses and while this had originally seemed like a good idea, it was quickly becoming a nightmare. This had led a friend to suggest using hypnosis files to get some revenge or change her sister’s behavior.

It wasn’t long before Rachel found a website with all sorts of hypnosis CD's and, remembering that Anna listens to a CD each night before going to bed, she began to plan. All she had to do was switch the Cd's after Anna fell asleep. She ordered a set of Cd's, each one to be played for one week. Rachel even paid extra for commands that would make Anna think she had been listening to her music whenever she played the CD. They arrived the next week, as well as a few supplies. She was ready for her revenge. The next night, she went down the hall in their apartment, grabbing the extra key from the plant next to her door, and snuck in quietly. She removed the CD called Moroccan Melodies and replaced it with the first CD. This one would get all of the commands programed for the remaining 6 to use. It would take 6 months, but by the end her sister would become the bitch she acted like. Rachel pressed the play and left the room, shutting the door without a sound.

It had been one week since Anna had begun listening to the intro CD, so that morning Rachel decided to test out the commands to determine if Anna was ready for the next CD. The instructions said that if the subject responds to a command phrase with only one use then they are ready for the second CD. Rachel knocked on Anna's door.
"Just a second." She heard Anna shout.
A few more seconds and Anna opened the door.
"What do you want?" She said, obviously annoyed.
"One Five Six Four Obedience Sleep Five Nine"
Instantly Anna's head dropped and her eyes closed. She stood there hunched over and completely still.
"Anna...Can you hear me?"
Great. This was perfect, and that means it’s time for the next disc. Rachel ordered Anna to go sit on the couch while she pulled out the second disc and swapped it for the first. She then told Anna to wake up in five minutes and to not remember anything that happened just before she heard a knock on the door. Rachel then when back to her own room, bubbling with excitement.

The second disk was entered into the device. "This is going to be fun." Rachel giggled. The CD was in place. She quickly moved to the living room. It was 5 minutes later that Anna woke up from her haze. "Huh? I thought Rachel was talking to me. Maybe?" Anna questioned. Shrugging her shoulders, she went to the living room. "Oh hey." Anna greeted. "Hey." Rachel responded. "I thought you were in my room for some reason. I guess I'm just tired." She said. "Probably. You seem to not have been getting enough sleep. Why don't you go to bed early tonight?" Rachel stated. "I think I will." She agreed. A few hours later, Anna did just that. She didn't forget to put on her ‘music’ however. Four days later Anna received a huge box in the mail and the label showed that it had been purchased from the hypnosis site Rachel bought the CDs from. Upon opening the package, it was revealed to contain a giant pack of diapers which Anna promptly brought into her room. The next morning, Anna’s diapers where clearly visible underneath her pants. Since Anna didn’t use them for their intended purpose, Rachel decided to ask Anna why she was wearing diapers. Anna simply responded with, “It feels right.”
Two weeks later, both of them were in the living room, watching TV. Anna really needed to use the bathroom, but the commercial break just ended. She tried to hold it in but she couldn’t. Anna had been eating a lot of fiber and had been relieving herself at least twice a day. In addition to that it had begun to feel wrong to use the toilet. It was uncomfortable and cold. Her thoughts began to consider her other option, the diaper. It was meant to be shit in and was of high quality. Anna tried to think of anything else, but for some reason her mind kept imagining herself on all fours and filling her diaper. Her mind was slowly enveloped in a haze. Unable to even think, Anna stood up and then got down onto all fours. Crouching down into a squatting position, a voice began to whisper in her mind.
‘Good girl. Your diaper is meant to be filled. Feel your freewill flowing into your bowels. When you relieve yourself you are expelling your freewill. It’s alright. You want to be a good dog and good dogs fill their diapers. Good dogs love the feeling of a diaper filled with piss and shit. Now, fill your diaper like an obedient diaper dog.’
With that last sentence, Anna released her heavy load into her diaper. The piss wet the front and the shit filled the back. Anna smiled. It felt so good to shit on all fours, like an obedient diaper dog. Anna got back up and sat down on the couch. Her heavy diaper sagged and squished as she moved. It felt right for her diaper to be full.
While Anna continued on like nothing had happened, Rachel quietly retreated into her room. The second the door was closed, Rachel burst out into laughter. Her sister had just filled a diaper on all fours like a dog for the first time.
The hypnotic conditioning would only become stronger as the month went by. Within a week, Anna no longer used the bathroom and by the end of the month Anna had completely lost control of her bowels. Realizing that it was time for the next CD, Rachel replaced the second disc with the next one.



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