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subliminal and hypnosis journey

by labattempt

Chapter 1


I'm a cis gender woman and try to reach some aims with subliminals and hypnosis:

first of all I want to shrink to 156 cm and second of all I want my vocal cords to shrink to 10 mm

My dream job is to become an opera singer and the shorter the vocal cords the higher you can sing.

It will make many things easier for me, even though i embrace and love myself right now too.

but that doesnt change my body goal.

remind me if you want updates.

All I can say so far is that my voice is almost in the 7th octave, I am under 170 cm now even though I used to be about 173 cm before.

I'm sure this is going to work well for me ^^

For the current length of my vocal cords...I cant say for sure but if I had to guess I'd say sth about 15 mm

Soooo I'll keep the faith and keep going ^:D


Lots of love byyyeeee



Wrong place for this - kinkmangrb

Post personals etc in the forums, this isn\'t a story. I will delete it in 24 hours.

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