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It’s Just Papers Rustling Raymond x Marshal

by fluffycutie

It’s Just Papers Rustling Raymond x Marshal

It’s Just Papers Rustling 


Raymond x Marshal


Raymond heard someone come into his home unexpectedly. His pants had a diaper shaped bulge in them. He dropped his diaper order papers on the ground as he fell on ground by his desk on his belly. The Mayor of the Island, Marshal walked into the house to see the poor cat on the floor about to cry. 


Raymond got off of the floor and knelt down to pick up his papers before Marshal could read them. He quickly grabbed the papers and shredded them, his diaper crinkling as he did so. He faced Iris, waiting for him to speak. 


Marshal: What is that crinkling noise in here? It sounds like plastic bags rustling in the wind.


Raymond blushed nervously as he gave his answer. Iris saw a diaper waistband showing above his pants. He smiled sympathetically and let him answer. 


Raymond: Oh, it’s just papers rustling, what else could it be?


Marshal heard him peeing into the diaper. Raymond blushed as soon as he noticed. Drop by drop Raymond got more flustered. By the time he was done his face was as red as a tomato. 


Raymond: That must be a faucet in my bathroom sink leaking.


Marshal: I know you are wearing a diaper. I saw the waistband of it love. I don’t think of you any differently.


Raymond: Thanks for accepting me Marshal!


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