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Fat Chubby Female

by jameslukey


Curse Fat Chubby Female


Its time 

time to begin a change in your life

A change in your body

starting to today you will begin to transform

transform in body 

you will transform into a chubby girl

it doesn't matter what your gender is

you will become a chubby girl

if you池e a woman you will begin gaining wait

gain to your ideal wait

become as big as you wish

and if you池e a man

then changes will become more drastic 

Curse chubby feminization

(create your own induction)


Its time 

time to begin a change in your life

A change in your body

starting to today you will begin to transform

transform in body 

you will transform into a chubby girl

it doesn't matter what your gender is

you will become a chubby girl

if you池e a woman you will begin gaining wait

gain to your ideal wait

become as big as you wish

and if you池e a man

then changes will become more drastic 

you will become have to become a woman

a lovely chubby woman

and there is nothing you can do about it

this file curses you to become this Chubby woman

and the more you listen to this file 

the more you'll be effected

because you won't just want to listen to this file

you'll feel like you need to listen to this file

need to become this chubby girl

from this moment on if your male

you will begin

begin to slow down producing testosterone

and begin to producing more and more estrogen

feel it

feel the estrogen rushing through you now

and feel your testosterones fading away

as your body begins to start producing more and more estrogen

your penis will begin to start sucking up into your body

feel it

feel your penis inward

feel transforming into a vagina 

feel as your organs rearrange  

as you develop all your womanly parts

feel it now 

growing your Uterus, Ovaries

everything needed to make you into a woman

your voice will raise in pitch and become for feminine

your body hair besides you eyebrows, eyelashes, and scalp will stop growing and fall ou

you might even shrink in height if you choose

you will transform completely and utterly a woman

picture it

picture her now 

what you will look like

imagine her face

her breasts

her butt

her whole body

this thin beautiful woman

you will become her

you can't help it

your mind wants this to happen

and it will happen

because you are cursed to become her

and there is no turning back

you need to become her

and to do that you'll need to return to this file again and again

and once the transformation is complete another transformation will begin

once you become this beautiful woman

you will begin

begin gaining weight

your hunger will grow

your need to eat will grow bigger and bigger every day


you'll also start craving junk food

and healthy food will disgust you

and to add on to it

your need to exercise will stop

you'll hate the idea of it

and your metabolism will also will lower

everything your body would need to do to become a chubby girl

you will start packing on pounds 

and there's nothing you can do about it

you'll want to eat and east until you池e the ideal size you wish 

imagine this beautiful chubby girl

imagine here

imagine how happy she feels to be nice a chubby

she loves being nice and plump

and so will you 

because you are here 

and she is you

you will become here in every way shape and form

and there痴 nothing you can do about it

you chose to listen to this curse and now you are trapped

you will everyday listen to this file until you are this chubby girl

you'll crave this file until the transformation is complete 

and there is nothing you can do about it

(choose awakening) 



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